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Tuesday 28 February 2012

Hi & Welcome!


To my new blog. I will be updating this blog on a semi regular basis, not really for the enjoyment of others but as more of a learning log to help my progress with my photography.

Some background information for anyone who might care -

My name is Alex, aged 22 and currently residing in Nottingham, England. I was born in Chiang Mai, Thailand and grew up in Coventry, England. I am currently unemployed, and have been for a while for many reasons. I have always enjoyed photography, taking after my father and grandfather both of whom enjoyed photography as a hobby for their whole lives (I still have a horrendous amount of photo albums compiled by the both of them over their life times!). I retain many fond memories of them involving cameras, from holidays to school events, and I still enjoy flicking through their old photo albums now and then to relive some of those memories.

I briefly studied photography in College, but dropped it as the tutor wasn't very helpful, the fact that he only lasted a few months at the College before leaving is testament to this. Since then, I have dabbled here and there but due to financial restraints I have never been able to acquire and hold onto much photographic equipment for very long. But due to a recent change of circumstances, I have found myself in a position to once again acquire the gear needed, and more importantly, keep ahold of it for more than a few weeks!

That, in brief, leads this mini autobiography to the current day. My gear, at this current moment in time consists of:

  • Nikon D7000 body
  • Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 (currently unavailable, minor incident involving a floor and insurance)
  • Nikon 12-24mm f/4
  • Nikon 55-200mm f/4-5.6 VR
  • Nikon 50mm f/1.8

So in essence, a fairly broad range of lenses capable of covering most subjects I am likely to come across. However, I would love to have a good macro lens and possibly a fisheye lens to play with!

As mentioned previously, this blog is primarily focused on being a learning log for myself as I progress further with my photographic skills, especially as I have now enrolled on a photography degree which I shall be starting in the near future, which I hope will give me guidance and direction as I expand my skills, and hopefully provide a basis on which I can move back into employment doing something that I enjoy.

Well I think that will do for the opening post, to give sufficient background information on the person behind the blog.

Ah, I suppose with it being a photography blog, I should probably get the ball rolling with a photo!

I know it isn't an amazing shot, it was taken a while back. Heavily cropped from the original and the focus isnt tack sharp on the birds head, though I do like the contrast of the bird against the lush green background. But hey, it's something to get the ball rolling!

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