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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

OCA - TAOP - Exercise 10

Exercise 10, Focal Lengths & Different Viewpoints,

The aim of this exercise is to portray how similar shots taken at different focal lengths vary in character.

The first shot I took with a telephoto lens at 200mm, the second and third were taken at 12mm on a wide angle lens.

The third image is in my opinion the most similar to the first image, as the viewpoints are not exactly identical (it would appear I am incapable of walking in a straight line!), and they vary in character greatly.

The first image was taken at 200mm and to me, it feels quite flat with no great sense of depth, though there is some depth there. It feels as though you are looking through a telescope, which is, in essence, exactly what a telephoto lens is. Everything just feels squashed together and distances between objects appears to be very small, from a glance the depth of the railings would appear to be very small, perhaps only a metre or two.

The second and third images taken at 12mm have a much greater sense of depth as you can see the side of the building disappearing down the left hand side of both images, it appears to go back much further than it does in the first image. You definately get the sense of being closer to the building in the last two images, and the height of the building is alot more imposing and obvious. In relation to the railings mentioned in the previous paragraph, you can clearly see they are much deeper / longer than would appear in the first image.

The exact composition isn't the same as it became a struggle to fill the frame with the building as closely as possible without being so close to building so I could include the wall outside.

Overall, personally, the images taken at 12mm are much more favourable than the one taken at 200mm.

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