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Monday, 5 March 2012

Taking opinions onboard

"No3 is the best but you cropped the feet and its a bit flat IMO add more contrast (in fact a lot may add more mood) and try a film grain texture"

This was the opinion of one poster on a photography forum that I use, on the second photo I posted on previous post. Whilst I explained the cropping in my previous post, I thought that I would have a play in photoshop with the other suggestions...

In all of the different variations I increased the contrast to an amount I deemed would add to the overall feel of the photo, without overdoing it and making it hideously obvious. In the first variation I added noise to the photo to give the appearance that it had been shot with a fast high iso film instead of using a digital sensor, here is the end result;

Photo by Alex Earle, all rights reserved

In this second variation, I used photoshops "film grain" texture as suggested on a lower, more subtle setting.

Photo by Alex Earle, all rights reserved

In this final variation, I used the grain texture effect, again on a fairly low, subtle setting. Anything much higher I found was horribly obvious that the image had been manipulated.

Photo by Alex Earle, all rights reserved

Out of the three, I feel myself torn between the grain version and the noise version. The film grain version in my opinion makes the lighting on the statue seem very harsh and unnatural. Whilst this may be favourable in some situations, I think this is not one of those situations. The grain version, again makes the lighting seem quite harsh but not to the extent of the film grain version. It has also darkened the background quite alot and brightened the statue, helping the statue to "pop" out of the
photo and really stand out against the background. However, the noise version seems the most natural, without the appearance of harsh lighting. It has also darkened the background very slightly (on top of the effects of the increased contrast done prior), helping the statue stand out more against the background. Whilst it doesn't "pop" like the grain version, I appreciate the subtlety. I really find myself undecided between the grain and noise versions and cannot decide which one I find more appealing...

Which one would you choose?

Personally, I think now is the time to sleep and have another look at these edits in the morning to see if a fresh head makes it easier to choose.

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